NTW is calling for a network of civil society representatives to monitor closely EP&R situation across Europe.
Latest ACRO[1] and NTW[2] reports have highlighted several relevant findings about Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) issues related to nuclear and radiation accidents. These reports have the same conclusion:
PREPARATION as it is developed now in Europe cannot be considered as adequate in case of a severe accident.
We need a better protection of the population in case of accident, which also implies participation of civil society in planning.
NTW aims to raise the voice of the civil society.
NTW wants to push authorities to define more realistic plans, and this, with the help of the Civil Society. Since 2014, NTW tried to develop the conditions for the civil society to be engaged in the area of EP&R, by giving knowledge and by supporting to be active on EP&R issues.
At European level, one useful tool could be the AtHLET approach written by competent authorities in radiation protection and nuclear safety. Furthermore, by February 2018, EU Member States are required to transpose into national law the Basic Safety Standards Directive 2013 which also includes some provisions related to EP&R.
NTW wants to create a wide European network of civil society organisations.
NTW wants to create a network of NGOs/independent experts to work on EP&R issues to have at least one national partner in each EU country to screen the national situation. We could together push for the emergence of national reports similar to the ones written by ACRO in France and Belgium.
A handbook will help our civil society partners on how to develop a methodology and on how to be an actor. This handbook will give guidelines including international recommendations and good practices found in some countries to screen the national situation. This handbook will also precise vocabulary to facilitate comparisons in Europe and finally create a real matrix of the European situation.
Please send a reply to:
Marie-Alix Verhoeven
Déléguée générale / Head of Operations at Nuclear Transparency Watch
E-mail: ma.verhoeven@nuclear-transparency-watch.eu
With the following information:
[1] https://www.nuclear-transparency-watch.eu/documentation/new-report-nuclear-safety-in-france.html