German elections and nuclear energy
On February 23, 2025, the Bundestag members were elected by the German people 🇩🇪. The party with the most representatives, the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social … [Read More]
NTW and local public debate on hosting nuclear waste in UK
On February 4, 2025, members of the West Cumbria Sites Stakeholder Group (WCSSG) were informed about updates on the Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) notably by Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) represented by its Chief Operation … [Read More]
Article on “Myths of nuclear energy”
Myths of nuclear energy Questions we need to answer before deciding by Miroslav Gregorič Translation of an article by Miroslav Gregoric, Member of Slovenian National Assembly 🇸🇮 entitled “Myths of nuclear energy” ☢️ published … [Read More]
Heated fusion of the nuclear energy governance model in France
Some background In 🗓 February 2023, the French government announced its intention to merge IRSN, the nuclear expert body 🔬☢️ with ASN, the regulator authority, foreseeing with this the end of the dual model … [Read More]
Transboundary participation and safety concerns
In the frame of the Consultation on the 4th periodic review of France’s 1300 MWe nuclear reactors, NTW provided the following statement: Insufficient transboundary participation and the risk of French Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) … [Read More]
United-Kingdom: pressure over land at Moorside for SMRs
“A letter signed by more than 100 political, business and union leaders is calling for urgent action to resolve land issues at Moorside so that new nuclear power stations can be built. Whitehaven and Workington … [Read More]
Evaluation of Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025
The contribution of Nuclear Transparency Watch for the Evaluation of Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025 is available here: As an NGO involved in the Joint Programme on RWM EURAD, NTW has benefited … [Read More]
Open letter sent from NTW to the French government on its safety reform
Thursday 7 March 2024 Here below you will find the open letter sent today by NTW Bureau to the French government to understand why it was considered so urgent to fusion the independent expert … [Read More]
NTW annual report 2023
In this report you will find a summary of the important contextual changes influencing 2023 (invasion of Ukraine, political decisions and political opinions, nuclear energy development, costs and safety). Then, the situation of Nuclear … [Read More]
Bulgaria: NPP Kozloduy and SLAPP case against citizen Natalia Stancheva
NTW is happy to inform about the unprecedented claim of 500,000 BGN (253,837 euro) – a SLAPP case filed by the Kozlody Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) against the nurse Nataliya Stancheva who revealed violations of … [Read More]
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