Radiation Protection Research – PIANOFORTE White Paper
PIANOFORTE is a European Partnership for Radiation Protection Research ☢️ contributing to improve the protection of the public, workers, patients and the environment from environmental, occupational and medical exposure to ionizing radiation. It brings together … [Read More]
A leaflet to know what to do in case of a nuclear accident
What to do in case of a nuclear emergency ? How to prepare? In Europe 168 nuclear power reactors are in operation (IAEA PRIS data) from its Eastern to Western part, in which an … [Read More]
Evaluation of Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025
The contribution of Nuclear Transparency Watch for the Evaluation of Euratom Research and Training Programme 2021-2025 is available here: As an NGO involved in the Joint Programme on RWM EURAD, NTW has benefited … [Read More]
Nuclear safety put to the Common test
In this article named, Nuclear safety and the Common, the authors, Gilles Hériard-Dubreuil and Julien Dewoghelaëre have provided a study on the notion of Common in relation of the nuclear safety in the French … [Read More]
NTW annual report 2023
In this report you will find a summary of the important contextual changes influencing 2023 (invasion of Ukraine, political decisions and political opinions, nuclear energy development, costs and safety). Then, the situation of Nuclear … [Read More]
Article on Rosatom-show in COP28 and other issues
January 6, 2024 Source:Rosatom News József Kóbor dr. Pécs City Council, Hungary, European Committee of the Regions, NTW Undoubtedly, it borders on the absurd that at the largest world environmental congress in 2023, COP28, … [Read More]
Nuclear Waste Management in the EU: Joint Project Report
Nuclear Waste Management in the EU: Joint Project Report – Update 2023 2023-07-31 Nuclear waste from NPPs remains an unsolved and highly dangerous problem, as spent fuel must remain isolated from the environment for … [Read More]
RWM : interactions with civil society on technical topics
In 2023, a new process of dialogue has started with the goal to experiment a joint work between civil society and IRSN on the basis of a co-constructed scenario (accident scenario in the operational … [Read More]
Cross-border consultation on Lifetime extension of Doel-4 and Tihange-3 (Belgium)
Paris, 15 June 2023 Subject: Lifetime extension of Nuclear Power Plants Doel-4 and Tihange-3 in Belgium. Link to the Cross-border consultation on Lifetime extension of Doel-4 and Tihange-3 (Belgium) Nuclear Transparency Watch as citizen … [Read More]
Leaflet for Emergency Preparedness and Response
Nuclear Transparency watch developed a leaflet aiming to inform European countries citizens about the behavior to have and the actions to take in case of nuclear accident. If you want to have this leaflet translated … [Read More]
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