NTW’s chair Nadja Zeleznik was panelist in one panel at ICRP 2021+1 conference here is the paper she prepared for that occasion:
(C)Proceeding paper_Session 9_Nadja Zeleznik
Abstract– Nuclear Transparency Watch (NTW) is a non-governmental organisation, based on French law from 1905, devoted to nuclear safety and transparency, organised as network of NGOs and experts in almost all European countries. Building on the Aarhus Convention, NTW works to ensure that civil society is present at the heart of expertise and decision-making on nuclear safety and security in the European Union. The network’s activities cover the entire nuclear cycle, with a particular focus on operational safety, including issues such as life extension of old nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness and response (EP&R), post-accident management, radioactive waste management (RWM), decommissioning and environmental issues. In parallel, the topic of transparency is constantly followed, at the national or European level. Some more important activities included: organisation of thematic Aarhus Convention and Nuclear round tables on important topics like EP&R and RWM with European partners, follow-up of the implementation of the Radioactive Waste Directive (2011/70/EURATOM), participation in the research RWM programme EURAD (The European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management) to access the expertise based on the double wing model utilized, assessment of the independence of nuclear regulators in the different national contexts of the EU, development of rolling stewardship in the context of long term RWM. NTW builds a strong institutional presence and visibility at the European and UN level [links with the European institutions, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (the OSPAR Convention)] and coordinate its members in activities. The main results will be described and discussed.
Keywords: Transparency; Nuclear; Safety