MEPS, CEE Bankwatch and NTW call for strong application of Aarhus and Espoo conventions on life-time extension projects
CEE Bankwatch Network and Nuclear Transparency Watch with Members of Parliament asked the European Commission, as an opinion-making party of relevant international conventions, to provide leadership and express its clear support for the findings … [Read More]
Presentation of NTW activities at the joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop
Nadja Zeleznik presented NTW at the joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Environmental Mapping: Mobilising Trust in Measurements and Engaging Scientific Citizenry which took place three weeks in March 2017 at the Abdus Salam International Centre … [Read More]
How much will it really cost to decommission the ageing French nuclear fleet ?
Dr Paul Dorfman NTW Member Honorary Senior Research Associate, Energy Institute, UCL Founder, ncg Faisabilité Technique et Financière du Démantèlement des Infrastructures Nucléaires The issue of decommissioning costs is a key challenge in the nucear … [Read More]
The Espoo Convention Implementation Committee asks the UK to suspend work on the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station because of the government’s failure to consult with European countries.
Last year, the Espoo Convention Implementation Committee concluded that the UK had failed to meet its obligations under the Espoo Convention to discuss the possible impact of an accident at Hinkley on neighboring countries. … [Read More]
Application of the Aarhus Convention in France – Contribution of ANCCLI
France is preparing to update its triennial report on the implementation of the Aarhus Convention. This Convention deals with access to information, participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters. The application … [Read More]
CONFERENCE “Public participation in the nuclear sector” – The Espoo and Aarhus conventions
30 March 2017 – European Parliament Brussels The Espoo convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary context lays down the obligation to assess the environmental impact of activities in the nuclear sector at … [Read More]
NTW response on European Commission refusal to give access to information on grounds PAKSII non-tendering
On 8 December 2016, Christiana Mauro and NTW made a request access to the documents connected to the legal assessment of infringement proceeding 2015/4231 initiated by the Commission against Hungary with regard to the public procurement … [Read More]
Germany`s nuclear repository search – From the difficulties of the public to participate
Statement from NTW member Brigitte Artmann, councilor Greens Fichtelgebirge, district of Wunsiedel There is within Germany from different sides still criticism on the operation of the Commission for the Storage of High Level Radioactive … [Read More]
Joint Project conference on RWM in Budapest on 15 Deember 2016
A one-day conference with international experts has focused on the Euratom directive on management of spent fuel and radioactive waste (Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom) in Budapest on 15 December 2016. The status of implementation in EU … [Read More]
English summary of the Report of the German Commission on the Storage of High- Level Radioactive Waste
After more than two years of work the German commission on nuclear waste disposal (“Endlagerkommission”) in July 2016 released its final report. In February 2017 a translation of the summary of the report has been made available. The … [Read More]
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