EURATOM: the nuclear exception
An opinion column of Bender Javor, Member of the European Parliament and member of NTW Last week the European Commission made a decision on one of its investigations related to the new Nuclear Power Plant, Paks … [Read More]
NTW is calling for a network of civil society representatives to monitor closely EP&R situation across Europe. Latest ACRO and NTW reports have highlighted several relevant findings about Emergency Preparedness and Response (EP&R) issues … [Read More]
CLIs and ANCCLI : An example of civil society involvement in governance
A French national network to guarentee transparency and nuclear safety Around the table, we often have operators, regulators and technical support organisations. But we are often missing a fourth pillar: the civil society. How … [Read More]
“Addressing the requirements on public information in EP&R from BSS Directive (Articles 70 and 71)” 1st December 2016 in Luxembourg Seminar co-organised by the European Commission and NTW OBJECTIVES: EU Member States are … [Read More]
The application of the Espoo Convention to nuclear energy-related activities
The Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo Convention) sets out the obligations to assess the environmental impact of certain activities at an early stage of decision making. It also … [Read More]
NEW REPORT: Transparency and participation in RWM national programmes
A new report from the Joint Project After about a year’s experience with available national waste management programmes until June 2016 based on Directive 2011/70/Euratom, the Joint Project produced a report about status of national programmes … [Read More]
HINKLEY POINT C: UK should have consulted possible affected Parties over risks
United Kingdom is not in compliance with the Espoo Convention The Espoo Convention Compliance Committee has closed its investigation on compliance by the United Kingdom in the case of Hinkley Point C. It found … [Read More]
ACCESS TO NATIONAL PROGRAMMES on Radioactive Waste Management
An important step forward for transparency In response to our request, the European Commission gave access to all national programmes and implementation reports on management of spent fuel and radioactive waste. National Programmes and National Reports … [Read More]
Assessing the safety of Nuclear Installations In Belarus
The territory of Belarus received 70% of the radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident. As a result, nearly 23% of its territory was contaminated. However, thirty years after the accident, Belarus is building its … [Read More]
The recommendations of the Belgian Superior Health Council: a real opportunity to upgrade safety standards
In April 2016, the Belgian government announced that the update of the national nuclear emergency plans would take into account the recommendations of the Belgian Superior Health Council (SHC) published in March 2016. Context … [Read More]