Round-table emergency preparedness and response around NPP Temelin
The second round-table on emergency preparedness and response around NPP Temelin in the Czech Republic will take place on September, 27th. Which concrete measures are planned? How are transboundary impacts taken into account? Is … [Read More]
Update! Second meeting of the EP-R working group
The second meeting of the working group on emergency preparedness and response (EP-R) has taken place in Brussels, on June, 9th and 10th. On the agenda: the methodology of data collection on EP-R and … [Read More]
NTW side-event: “implementing the Aarhus Convention in the nuclear sector”
NTW has organized a side event during the Meeting of the Parties of the Aarhus convention, on July, 2nd in Maastricht. The aim was to provide an overview on our activities and to present … [Read More]
Aarhus roundtable Cattenom
Aahrus roundtable Cattenom, Emergency Preparedness and Response from the view of the public concerned 2014, May 17 in Schengen, Luxembourg Context: To involve more actively local civil initiatives and independent experts, the Emergency … [Read More]
Access to a study commissioned by the European Commission on Emergency Preparedness and Response
First victory for the Aarhus hotline of NTW! The European Commission allows us to access to its study on Emergency Preparedness and Response that was not published before the request we sent two months … [Read More]
NPP news in Europe
News feed from nuclear power plants in Europe : informations, incidents, … to promote transparency ! Nuclear power plant Date Link Mühleberg, Switzerland 19/05/2014 Permanent shutdown in 2019 (FR) Golfech, France 15/05/2014 Fire outbreak (FR) Cattenom, … [Read More]
Workshop on the ageing of nuclear power plants: minutes and video of the speakers
A half-day conference was organized in the European Parliament in Brussels to address the issue of the ageing of nuclear power plants in Europe and its impact on nuclear safety. 19th March 2014 in … [Read More]
Request regarding the access to an European Commission study on Emergency Preparedness and Response
DG ENER commissioned in 2013 a study with the title “Review of current off-site nuclear emergency preparedness and response arrangements in EU member states and neighbouring countries”. Study was prepared by consortium ENCO (Austria) … [Read More]
Workshop on the ageing of nuclear power plants
A half-day conference was organized in the European Parliament in Brussels to address the issue of the ageing of nuclear power plants in Europe and its impact on nuclear safety. Download the agenda of the … [Read More]
Greenpeace report: Lifetime extension of ageing nuclear power plants (2014)
Briefing of the report commissioned by Greenpeace: “Lifetime extension of ageing nuclear power plants: Entering a new era of risk” … [Read More]
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