Open letter on Public Participation for Nuclear Energy in the European Taxonomy
After the open letter sent by Nuclear Transparency Watch the 20th of July 2021 in the context of the debates around Nuclear Energy and European Taxonomy – see article – an answer was given … [Read More]
Participation of NTW regarding the Lifetime extension of the Loviisa’s Nuclear Power Plant (Finland)
Loviisa nuclear power plant, Finland Participation of NTW regarding the Lifetime extension of the Loviisa’s Nuclear Power Plant (Finland) … [Read More]
Slovak Parliament approved a bill to ban future contracts for incineration of foreign radioactive waste. According to the Slovak NTW members, some concerns still remain.
Slovak Parliament approved a bill to ban future contracts for incineration of foreign radioactive waste. According to Slovak NTW members, some concerns still remain. On 6 October 2021, the Slovak Parliament approved a bill … [Read More]
Open letter on how and when public participation will take place in the European Taxonomy.
“In order to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets for 2030 and reach the objectives of the European green deal, it is vital that EU directs investments towards sustainable projects and activities. This … [Read More]
REPLAY AVAILABLE : EP-NTW online seminar on Nuclear Energy and the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy
>> REPLAY << The seminar on Nuclear energy and the EU sustainable finance taxonomy took place on April 14th 2021. It was co-organized by the European Parliament and Nuclear Transparency Watch. Nuclear energy … [Read More]
A community will only be able to give its consent in a meaningful way, if it is an “Educated Community”
From Colin Wales, NTW member. Any community that volunteers to accept a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) is taking the risk (however small) that such a facility will be capable of protecting the environment and the … [Read More]
“Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe – Ten Years Later” – Online Event on March 12, 2021
Event organised by Gabriele Mraz, member of NTW, and Patricia Lorenz on behalf of the CNFE. The Cities for a Nuclear Free Europe (CNFE) held an online event on March 12th on the situation … [Read More]
ACN Round Table on RWM 2021
AARHUS CONVENTION AND NUCLEAR (ACN) ROUND TABLE ON RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT (RWM) 13-15 January 2021 Online The European Commission (DG ENER) and Nuclear Transparency Watch (NTW) organized an “Aarhus Convention and Nuclear” Roundtable that … [Read More]
Overview of activists’ submissions addressing lack of public access to nuclear sector information in Slovakia
From Peter Mihok, member of NTW. As the NTW informed on 12 May 2020 via Twitter and a new website item , both linking to the original factsheet prepared by its Slovak member (note: the … [Read More]
Belgian nuclear waste programme SEA – public participation – too little, too biased
Jan Haverkamp, WISE, Amsterdam 9 June 2020 NIRAS/ONDRAF, the Belgian nuclear waste management organisation wrote a draft plan for long term management of high-level radioactive and/or long-lived nuclear waste. In a public consultation, people and … [Read More]
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