How the Czech government is speeding up work on state aid to a new nuclear unit
June 9th 2020 The ongoing debate whether or not to build new nuclear capacities in Czechia has become much more tangible following a new law and contracts with the energy company CEZ introduced by … [Read More]
Towards an end of flat-rate non-transparency in the Slovak nuclear sector?
May, 12th 2020 From Peter Mihok, member of the Slovak nongovernmental organisation ‘CEPTA – Centre for Sustainable Alternatives’ and member of NTW. In the 2000s, the Slovak Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) faced significant challenges with … [Read More]
Where do new government parties stand on nuclear in Slovakia?
On April 30th, Manifesto of the new Slovak Government got approved. Peter Mihok, member of the Slovak nongovernmental organisation ‘CEPTA – Centre for Sustainable Alternatives’ and member of NTW prepared a factsheet that summarises the … [Read More]
Dutch highest administrative court grants WISE access to data on radioactive emissions of Ru-106
Jan Haverkamp, Senior expert nuclear energy and energy policy at WISE On 15 April 2020, the Council of State, the Netherlands’s highest administrative court, granted the appeal of Nuclear Transparency Watch member World Information … [Read More]
NTW’s Submission to the Roadmap Consultation on Access to Justice
The Aarhus Convention was adopted to make sure that authorities could be held accountable when they deny citizens the opportunity to receive information and participate in the decision-making process in matters related to the … [Read More]
NTW opens important discussions with the European Commission on transparency
To promote transparency and safety in the nuclear sector, NTW opens important discussions with the European Commission. A new proposal for collaboration was sent to the Commissioner of DG Energy. See the letter sent … [Read More]
Nuclear Energy Agency’s Janus-like approach to nuclear transparency: a case study in obstruction
16 February 2020 By Dr David Lowry, Management board member of Nuclear Transparency Watch Last spring I applied to attend the 2nd NEA Workshop on Stakeholder Involvement: Risk Communication … [Read More]
Discussion on transparency and public participation with Prof G. Eggermont at NTW General Assembly
During the General Assembly of Nuclear Transparency on December 11th 2019, a specific session was dedicated to interaction with Prof Gilbert Eggermont on various topics related to transparency and public participation. Prof G. … [Read More]
The Black Boxes of Nuclear Waste Strategy
Is radioactive waste manageable? As uncomfortable as it is to think about this question, it is one that demands political attention, public engagement and legitimate empirical responses. Despite widespread unsubstantiated claims, there are … [Read More]
Dutch nuclear regulator ANVS to concentrate on regulation, quitting policy work
Jan Haverkamp, vice-chair of NTW, senior expert nuclear energy and energy policy at WISE 3 February 2020 The Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and Water informed Parliament on 17 January that the responsibility for the preparation of … [Read More]
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