Specifics of Russia-Hungary Nuclear Pact Disclosed, Christiana Maria Mauro
A year and a half after a suit was launched and five years after an agreement on the Paks II NPP expansion was signed between Hungary and Russia the Municipal Court of Budapest ordered … [Read More]
Small Modular Reactors – of SMRs and ANTs, by Jan Haverkamp
The debate on Small Modular Reactors continues to warm up. The IAEA recently updated its webpages on the issue. SMRs are currently promoted by parts of the nuclear industry as an answer to the … [Read More]
Honey, can you please bring the waste down? German radioactive waste licensing authority looking for its role in waste research
Article by Jan Haverkamp, 05 March 2019 On 30 January, the German radioactive waste licensing authority BfE held a workshop in Berlin with a range of stakeholders to discuss its research strategy. NTW member … [Read More]
Consultation open: FRANCE Reactor Life-time extension beyond 40 years
Consultation process open also to public outside of France until end March– still some questions remaining Jan Haverkamp, 27 February 2019 In Europe, we are currently in an active debate about how the … [Read More]
New report for the European Parliament demands action on transboundary nuclear safety and nuclear liability
by Jan Haverkamp, 13 February 2019 The petition committee of the European Parliament (PETI) received over the last years several large petitions expressing concern about transboundary nuclear issues in countries like Belgium, the Czech … [Read More]
Dr David Lowry unearths important information about the nuclear fall-out of Brexit on the loss of co-operation and the ownership of plutonium, by Jan Haverkamp
NTW member Dr David Lowry is widely known for his stubborn and very effective work on nuclear transparency in the UK. Over the years, he has used all the tools in the legal toolbox … [Read More]
NTW and EEB leave European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) and call for its termination
On 28 November, Nuclear Transparency Watch (NTW) and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) informed the European Council and the European Commission of their decision to suspend cooperation with and participation in the European … [Read More]
Finnish, Swedish and Russian environmentalists ask for attention to problems in Finland’s nuclear energy projects with petition
Early November, five environmental and peace groups asked attention for a host of problems that is currently facing the nuclear energy policy of Finland. Women against Nuclear Power and Women for Peace from Finland, … [Read More]
Important Victory for Aarhus Convention In Nuclear: Borssele Findings ACCC
On Friday 12/10/2018, the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (ACCC) communicated its final findings to the parties involved in the complaint launched by Greenpeace in 2014 on the design lifetime extension of the Borssele Nuclear … [Read More]
NTW EVENT: Radioactive Waste Governance in Europe 01-02/10/2018
Nuclear Transparency Watch together with the German office of Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Greens/EFA organised an event in Berlin on 01-02/10, in the premisses of Heinrich Boll Stiftung. Participants will discuss how Europe … [Read More]
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