Important Victory for Aarhus Convention In Nuclear: Borssele Findings ACCC
On Friday 12/10/2018, the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (ACCC) communicated its final findings to the parties involved in the complaint launched by Greenpeace in 2014 on the design lifetime extension of the Borssele Nuclear … [Read More]
NTW EVENT: Radioactive Waste Governance in Europe 01-02/10/2018
Nuclear Transparency Watch together with the German office of Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Greens/EFA organised an event in Berlin on 01-02/10, in the premisses of Heinrich Boll Stiftung. Participants will discuss how Europe … [Read More]
13th ENEF 04-05/06/18 Bratislava
The 13th European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) organised by the European Commission with two hosting countries (Slovakia and Czech Republic) took place in Bratislava on 04-05/06. This event, which received the mandate from the European … [Read More]
International Nuclear Energy Conference-Prague-11/04/2018
The international conference NEC 2018 “Nuclear waste: Unwanted legacy of nuclear power” was organised by Friends of the Earth CZ and Calla and took place in Prague on Wednesday 11/04/2018. The objective was to … [Read More]
An Taisce Welcomes Public Consultation on UK Hinkley Point C, Nuclear Power Plant
On 20/02, The Irish Government has launched public consultations on the UK’s Hinkley Point C, nuclear power station, 5 years after it should have under UN Conventions. The UK Government are building a nuclear … [Read More]
The Swedish Environmental Court’s NO to the final repository for spent nuclear fuel: a major victory for safety
The Swedish Environmental Court says no to the power industry’s Nuclear Waste Company SKB’s license application for a final repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark, Sweden. This is a huge triumph for safety … [Read More]
Nuclear transparency under threat in Turkey, by Pinar Demircan
Nuclear developments currently play a front-role in political discussions in Turkey. In this article, we give a sketch of the situation around the most advanced of the three proposed nuclear plants – the Russian … [Read More]
Public Participation and Involvement in EU Energy Policy Decision-making – why is it important?Paul Dorfman, UCL Energy Institute
Recent climate change research suggests that, over the next few decades, there will be unprecedented global change, consequently affecting European human welfare and environmental systems. European Union (EU) policy already seeks to mitigate change … [Read More]
The Swedish Environmental Court is to rule on the proposed spent fuel repository in Forsmark
by Johan Swahn, director of MKG and member of the Management Board of NTW On January 23rd, 2018, the Swedish Land and Environmental Court plans to give its opinion to the government on whether … [Read More]
NTW celebrates its 4 years of existence, by Nadja Zeleznik
Nuclear Transparency Watch was created in November 2013 as a European, non-profitassociation founded under French Law which gather together different civil society representatives. Its main objective is to ensure greater vigilance and public involvement … [Read More]
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