12th European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) conclusions
On 01/08, the European Commission published the conclusions of the 12th European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF), which took place in Prague in May 2017. This year, a more participative and engaging format, “the world café” … [Read More]
Controversial amendments of Nuclear Energy Act: The Hungarian government silently backed off, but independent nuclear oversight is still in peril
The Hungarian government furtively withdrew the two most controversial changes of the Nuclear Energy Act. These amendments passed in December 2016 allowed the government to bypass with a simple decree the valid permits of … [Read More]
Report on Responses to Foreign Contributions, Public Hearing of Czech Update of the National Programme on Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Management
Article by Olga Kališová. During the public hearing on Update of the National Programme on Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Management in the Czech Republic and its evaluation in Prague on June 28, … [Read More]
Presentation of Johan Swahn on Radioactive Waste Management, ENSREG 28 June 2017
During the 4th European Nuclear Safety Conference taking place in Brussels in June 28-29, Johan Swahn, director of the swedish NGO MKG and member of the board of NTW was invited to speak in … [Read More]
Nuclear life extension: présentation of Jan Haverkamp 29 june 2017 ENSREG
During the third panel in the ENSREG meeting held on 29 June in Brussels, Jan Haverkamp presented the position of NTW concerning the life-time extension of nuclear power plants in Europe. As the lack … [Read More]
Evaluation of Czech national programme on radioactive waste and spent fuel management: NTW calls for proper public discussion and participation
On 28.06.2017, a public hearing is held in Prague in the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedure on the Update of the National Programme on Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Management, and the Evaluation … [Read More]
Anomalies in Flamanville EPR reactor vessel: ACRO calls for more transparency
The steel anomalies in the reactor vessel of the EPR in Flamanville and many steam generators have led to one of the most serious crises faced by the French nuclear industry. The report of the … [Read More]
How can civil society influence nuclear waste decisions? Johan Swahn, ENEF May 23 2017
The Chair of our RWM working group Johan Swahn was a panelist in ENEF forum on 22-23 may in Prague. The theme this year was: “60 years of Euratom”. We publish here his presentation. “First … [Read More]
The struggle of Rosatom to understand what transparency is
NTW member, journalist and activist Andrey Ozharkovsky is refused information Blog from Jan Haverkamp, 19 May 2017 When he was preparing for his speech for a group of local citizens and experts in the town … [Read More]
European Commission reports on national radioactive waste plans
On 15 May, the European Commission published its first implementation report under the radioactive waste Directive 2011/70/EURATOM on the national radioactive waste reports and programmes. The report and its two staff working documents can … [Read More]
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