English summary of the Report of the German Commission on the Storage of High- Level Radioactive Waste
After more than two years of work the German commission on nuclear waste disposal (“Endlagerkommission”) in July 2016 released its final report. In February 2017 a translation of the summary of the report has been made available. The … [Read More]
EU nuclear decommissioning assistance programmes are over-budget and behind schedule
A September 2016 report from the European Court of Auditors hilglights that Eight reactors across sites in three countries – Lithuania, Bulgaria and Slovakia –are years behind schedule in decommissioning and still require billions in … [Read More]
The application of the Espoo Convention to nuclear energy-related activities
The Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo Convention) sets out the obligations to assess the environmental impact of certain activities at an early stage of decision making. It also … [Read More]
NEW REPORT: Transparency and participation in RWM national programmes
A new report from the Joint Project After about a year’s experience with available national waste management programmes until June 2016 based on Directive 2011/70/Euratom, the Joint Project produced a report about status of national programmes … [Read More]
EP&R chapter in IAEA publication
The IAEA recently published a new “Safety Reassessment for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities in Light of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant”. On pages 27-30, there is a chapter on “Reassessment … [Read More]
New report on Nuclear Safety in India
Greenpeace India today released a report lead by Davidd Boiley, Director of ACRO and member of NTW. The report, titled ‘Red Alert – India’s nuclear disaster plans, outdated and inadequate’, assesses India’s nuclear disaster plans and … [Read More]
Intake of iodine tablets in case of a severe nuclear accident
The intake of iodine pills is a protective measure in the event of a severe nuclear accident. Download here the guide of the German federal Ministry for the environment, nature Conservation and nuclear safety … [Read More]
PINC: the real picture
NTW ANALYSIS ON PINC 2016 On 4th April 2016 the European Commission published its latest communication on the Nuclear Illustrative Programme (PINC). The European Commission is required to regularly develop new Pinc outlining the goals … [Read More]
New report: Strength and weaknesses of nuclear emergency plans in France
In case of severe nuclear accident, France is not ready . This is the finding of a study carried out by the ACRO for the ANCCLI (National Association of Local Information Commissions and Committees … [Read More]
10th EUROPEAN NUCLEAR ENERGY FORUM, PRAGUE – MINUTES FROM OUR CHAIR NTW is concerned about the reduction of ENEF to a single-interest group of industry experts On 26-27 May 2015, the 10th European Nuclear … [Read More]
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