SITEX.Network concerns about the sustainability of IRSN
As a member of the SITEX.Network, NTW is sharing this statement from the network involving technical and citizen organisations: SITEX.Network is concerned about the recent news that IRSN, one of its members, may be … [Read More]
Dear friends and colleagues, Today we are sad to inform you that Gilles Hériard-Dubreuil, Secretary and NTW founding member, has passed away after 6 month of courageous struggle with a serious disease. Many of … [Read More]
UNITED KINGDOM: letter from NTW’s member published in Cumbrian newspaper
Here is the letter including reference to new UK legislation, published in Cumbrian newspapers by NTW member Tim Knowles the 19 February 2023: “Sir, As predicted the investment bonanzas forecast by our politicians over … [Read More]
CALL for a post-Ukraine nuclear stress test process for all European nuclear power stations
After Russia’s shocking invasion of Ukraine last year, the nuclear risk has come back to the forefront in a worrying way. Indeed, the day after the invasion, on 25 February 2022, the armies of … [Read More]
FRENCH NUCLEAR SAFETY: potential threat on independence and transparency
“The French government has announced plans to transfer the competences of the Institute for Radiation Protection & Nuclear Safety (IRSN – Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire) to other institutions. The aim is … [Read More]
WEBINAR: Euratom Reform and Options for EU Treaty – Change in the Energy Field #1
Initiation of a constitutional amendment procedure in the European Union seems increasingly likely due to the positions on treaty reform of the European Parliament, the European Commission, France and Germany as well as other … [Read More]
DECISION of the Dutch Council of State and Aarhus Convention
Here is below an article reporting the outcomes of NTW organisation Laka’s actions towards more compliance to criteria of the Aarhus Convention namely “access to information” and “access to justice”. It also relates directly … [Read More]
NTW and EEB leave European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) and call for its termination
On 28 November, Nuclear Transparency Watch (NTW) and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) informed the European Council and the European Commission of their decision to suspend cooperation with and participation in the European … [Read More]
Controversial amendments of Nuclear Energy Act: The Hungarian government silently backed off, but independent nuclear oversight is still in peril
The Hungarian government furtively withdrew the two most controversial changes of the Nuclear Energy Act. These amendments passed in December 2016 allowed the government to bypass with a simple decree the valid permits of … [Read More]
Evaluation of Czech national programme on radioactive waste and spent fuel management: NTW calls for proper public discussion and participation
On 28.06.2017, a public hearing is held in Prague in the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedure on the Update of the National Programme on Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Management, and the Evaluation … [Read More]