ASN requires EDF to comply with additional requirements for implementation of the “hardened safety core”
Communication of the European Commission about subsidy deal investigation in UK
Nuclear plant in doubt as European Commission says subsidies of up to £17.6bn may be unnecessary, risk handing EDF excess profits and may constitute illegal state aid The European Commission published phase 2 opening … [Read More]
Debate on the revision of the nuclear safety directive in the ITRE committee (Video)
Debate in the Industry Research and Energy committee of the European parliament, on the 23 of January 2014, with the rapporteur Romana Jordan. Debate on the revision of the nuclear safety… par nucleartransparencywatch … [Read More]
French Nuclear Safety Authority Opinion concerning the proposed revision of the European directive on nuclear safety
Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia to get more aid to decommission nuclear plants
Press release of the European Parliament on line PLENARY SESSION Press release – Energy − 19-11-2013 EU financial aid to help Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia to complete the decommissioning of the Kozloduy, Ignalina and Bohunice nuclear power plants … [Read More]
Complaint to the European Commission about radioactive waste export from Hungary to Russia
Nuclear Transparency Watch sent a letter addressed to Mr Oettinger, the European Commissionner for Energy concerning illegal radioactive waste export from Hungary to Russia. It is a first step in order to monitor nuclear … [Read More]