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Deficiencies in Radiological Protection, Emergency Preparedness and Response in Bulgaria
Part 1: Do Bulgarian Citizens Know What to Do in the Event of a Nuclear Accident or Attack?
/Research in the Kozloduy NPP 30-kilometer zone /
Dr. Petar Kardzhilov
Radiation protection and emergency preparedness and response are the two topics directly relevant to the health and life of citizens in one of the three main thematic circles for expert analysis and synthesis at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – Nuclear Safety and Security. Through research in populated areas in the 30 km zone around the Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP), based on the Extended Parallel Process Model, we come to the conclusion that there is no well-organized informational and educational activity on these two topics in Bulgaria.
An expert and responsible organisation of public communication on the risks and crises related to the increase of radioactivity in the environment, with the participation of all institutions, media and public groups, becomes even more relevant and necessary in the context of the new regional reality after the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war.
Key words: risk communication, radiation protection, emergency preparedness and response, perceived threat, perceived efficacy, nuclear power plant (NPP), Russo-Ukrainian war.
After the start of the war in Ukraine, Russian troops took over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, Zaporozhye, firing at both, and a fire broke out in the latter. On several occasions, the Russian President and others at the top of the Kremlin have threatened Europe and the world with nuclear weapons. After the successive attacks on August 5 and 6, the Ukrainian nuclear regulator Energoatom reported serious damage with the forced shutdown of one of the units and the risk of leakage of hydrogen and radioactive substances at the Zaporozhye plant. The leaders of the IAEA, the EU and the UN condemned these events and called on the Kremlin authorities to allow a group of international experts to visit the NPP. In this context, the question arose for Bulgaria, a country very close to Ukraine and also operating its own nuclear power plant, whether the inhabitants of this country could protect themselves in a crisis situation with high radioactivity dangerous to health and life. Today, after the shutdown of all reactors in Zaporozhye NPP, the threat of attacks on the nuclear power plant has decreased, but Putin’s threats to use nuclear weapons have increased. Despite all these challenges, the attention of politicians and medias to these threats for Bulgaria is almost absent.
The study on preparedness and response to increased radioactivity in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian war is supported by the President of the Foundation for Environment and Agriculture, Albena Simeonova, with the help of the Ministry of Environment and Water, Minister Borislav Sandov, together with the Municipality of Kozloduy, the State Enterprise “Radioactive Waste”, the Municipality of Oryahovo, the Municipality of Mizia, the villages of Glozhene, Kharlets and Butan. It is conducted by myself, as a specialist in risk and crisis communication, following the model of American scientists in the field of risk communication, on 12 and 13 April in the towns of Kozloduy, Oryahovo, Mizia and the villages of Glozhene, Kharlets and Butan – all located in the 30-kilometer critical emergency planning zone around the Kozloduy NPP.
Scientific framework
The survey is not just a sociological or journalistic poll to capture attitudes and trends. It has a concrete practical and detailed scientific framework based on one of the most trans-disciplinary and complex areas of human knowledge – risk and crisis management. Risk and crisis communication is an integral part of risk and crisis management, which also carries trans-disciplinarity as its main characteristic and is studied in the developed countries as two separate academic disciplines – risk communication and crisis communication. The model in which the study was conducted is relevant to both disciplines, as it provides insights into how people perceive given risks, as well as how they react if those same risks manifested themselves as crises threatening their lives and health.
Human experience so far shows that increased radioactivity, in the event of a major accident in a nuclear power plant, or in the event of deliberate acts of terrorism or war, can create extremely serious threats to the health and life of the population and the state of the environment for decades to come.
But what should ideally be done? It makes sense to look for precisely the ideal option, because we are talking about a risk of loss of many lives and of great suffering for many people.
In order to react adequately in the event that these risks manifest themselves in the form of crises, and to minimise the negative consequences for people and nature, at the level of national and local institutions, the intervention of professional risk and crisis communicators is necessary.
They should fulfill the following tasks:
- Publicly formulate the risk variants and familiarise the public with the different possibilities of reaching a situation of dangerously high radioactivity in specific localities; inform the risk bearers of all possible negative consequences of such crisis situations.
- Periodically provide the public with comprehensive information on all possible actions and measures to protect life and health, with the help of all institutions and organisations related to these risks, and using all necessary communication channels and formats.
- To convince the public of the safety and effectiveness of the protective measures proposed by scientists and experts, and to assure people of their own ability to adopt the behavior recommended by the institutions.
The results of the study based on the model of the extended parallel process in the city of Kozloduy and neighboring settlements in mid-April show that in our country the implementation of these tasks has never started as a complete process, with the exception of isolated campaign activities, highly limited in terms of time, periodicity, expert involvement and scope.
Research model
The Extended Parallel Process Model, created by Prof. Kim Witt of the University of Michigan, examines the extent to which people perceive a given risk as a real danger to themselves – perceived threat (to health and life), as well as the extent to which they feel safe and prepared to react adequately if the same risk manifests itself as a crisis with a direct danger to them – perceived efficacy (of the defensive response).
Perceived threat consists of two parallel human perceptions – of vulnerability and of severity. Perceived vulnerability refers to the degree to which someone believes that the risk is likely to manifest as a crisis, and perceived severity relates to the degree of severity of the consequences of the crisis that someone perceives. Perceived efficacy includes a person’s perceptions of the efficacy of the generally accepted response and of their personal efficacy. Response efficacy concerns the degree to which one perceives the safety and effectiveness of the recommended behavior, whereas personal efficacy depends on the extent to which one perceives that he/she has the necessary skills and resources to engage in the recommended behavior. This is how two pairs of parallel processes are obtained, which take place in our consciousness when we are faced with risks, crises and emergency situations.
Figure 1: The extended parallel process model (Witte, 1992)
There are three psychological reactions depending on the impact of information about the danger and the corresponding individual level of threat perception and efficacy:
1) when the perceived threat (vulnerability and severity) is low, an absence of reaction most often follows: a change in behavior and, accordingly, actions do not occur;
2) when perceived threat is high and perceived efficacy is low, several variants of situationally inappropriate behavior follow, summarized by the concept of fear control;
3) the adequate reaction for the protection and self-defense of citizens is realized at high levels of both the perceived threat and the perceived efficacy, which Prof. Witt defines as danger control.
Peculiarities of the study
The survey card is based on the model of the parallel process and includes a total of 13 questions, 10 closed (with indicating one of several answers) and 3 open questions (with writing one answer). One part of them relates to the perceived threat (vulnerability and seriousness), the other part – to the perceived efficacy (reaction and personal). The third part is additional questions that help form a conclusion about the most likely psychological reaction that will occur in society in the event of a real crisis with increased radioactivity.
It is important to note that almost all of those who accepted to fill out the survey were women – 141 women and only 30 men. On the one hand, the reason for this is that in general more women work in these institutions. On the other hand, in the field, there is a reluctance among some men to participate in the survey on the topic of radiation protection. These reactions among men should be studied separately, as they would create additional complications in the process of radiation protection preparation and response.
Presentation of the study, presented at an international online conference on the security of European nuclear power plants in the context of the war in Ukraine can be seen here:
The perceived threat of high radioactivity events
Here there are four questions, three of which are variants of perceived vulnerability to the different nature of the event, and the fourth one is to the perceived severity of such an event. To the first question: “How likely is it, in your opinion, for a major accident at the Kozloduy NPP to result in high levels of radioactivity in the area where you live?”, 7.6% of respondents answered “completely impossible”. 35.4% with “rather impossible”, 20% with “50:50%” answer, 9.4% with “rather possible”, 27% with “completely possible”. Although by a little – with a total of 56.4%, three groups perceiving this risk as real prevail, one group accepts it as potential, but far from the possibility of its occurrence – 35.4% and only 7.6% perceive it as unreal. The perception of the risk of a major nuclear plant accident as real by most respondents indicates that their perception of vulnerability is rather high. This data enters as an asset in the overall level of perceived threat, which, if it remains high after adding the data of the perceived severity of the event, will reduce the probability of achieving the first of the three possible mental reactions according to the model – no reaction.
Perceived vulnerability is even more categorical in the answers to the question: “In your opinion, how likely is it that a serious accident at a nuclear power plant would occur in a war near Bulgaria, affecting Bulgaria as well?”. Here 10.5% responded with “completely impossible”, 18.7% with “rather impossible”, and 8.3% with “no more than before the war”. 28.6% define such an event as “rather possible”, and 33.3% as “completely possible”. A total of 61.9% (marking the last two answers) perceive this different from the previous risk as real. The data on the perception of this different type of risk in the new military context as real by most respondents further reinforces the indicators of perceived vulnerability in the context of a commonly defined event of high radioactivity in the environment.
The perceived vulnerability is most strongly expressed in the answers to the third question about vulnerability – the possibility of a nuclear attack near the country: “In your opinion, how possible is it that a military nuclear attack could happen near Bulgaria that would affect our country and part of the Bulgarian citizens?”. Only 12.8% think that such a situation is “completely impossible” and only 3.5% that it is “rather impossible”. According to 27% it is likely “50:50%”, for 29.2% it is “rather possible”, and for 26.3% it is “completely possible”. This is already a third type of risk, again in the current military context, which is perceived as real by even more respondents, which is evident from the last three answers, the sum of which is 82.5%. From the data in the answers to these three questions, we can assume that we have an undoubtedly firm perception of high vulnerability in all three different types of risks of a crisis situation with high radioactivity – an accident at the Bulgarian NPP, an incident/attack at a NPP close to the country and an attack with nuclear weapon near the country.
In the perceived threat asset, parallel to perceived vulnerability is the perceived severity of the emergency event for which there is a risk. This parallel psychological process of the perceived threat is particularly vividly defined in the study from the city of Kozloduy and the region. To the question: “What do you think would be the consequences for health and the environment if a major accident occurred at the Kozloduy NPP, or at another NPP near Bulgaria, or in the event of a military nuclear attack nearby – in all three cases with high radioactivity in the atmosphere and environment?”, none of the respondents answered “insignificant”, only 5% answered “significant but repairable”, 59% answered “very serious and long-lasting” and 34% marked the answer “very serious and irreparable”. The sum of those who indicated the three answers to the question about the perceived severity is as much as 98%, which undoubtedly means that the respondents are aware of the severe consequences for their health, life and well-being that could occur as a result of an accident or attack with high radioactivity.
Following the data from the responses to the three vulnerability questions, the data from the severity question simply “concrete” a definite conclusion about a high level of the first of the two main parallel processes in Witt’s model – perceived threat. The overall conclusion from the responses to the perceived threat questions is that it has sufficiently high values that the first of the three possible psychological reactions according to the model – the absence of a reaction – will not take place in the case of an emergency event with high radioactivity in the studied area. However, which of the other two behaviors will respondents have according to the other two forms of psychological response? Whether they will take one of the harming pathways of fear control or reach an adequate rescue response along the path of danger control, however, depends on the data for the second parallel process — the perceived efficacy.
Perceived efficacy in high-radioactivity events
While the threat of an event with high radioactivity is perceived by the respondents in a positive way, i.e. primarily as a real or potential risk with very serious consequences for health and the environment, the efficacy of an adequate response to such an event is perceived by them categorically in a negative way – as unknown, impossible, ineffective or unattainable. Similar to perceived threat, we measure perceived efficacy factors with four other questions – three on response efficacy and one on personal efficacy. I recall here that response efficacy concerns the degree to which one perceives the certainty and effectiveness of one’s recommended behavior, whereas personal efficacy depends on the extent to which one perceives that one has the necessary skills and resources to engage in the recommended behavior.
The first question is open: “In the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant or a nuclear attack with the presence of high radioactivity in the atmosphere near your place of residence, do you know what protective measures you should take yourself and what when ordered by the institutions?”, as after this question in the survey card, two lines are left to clarify the two types of protection measures. 39% answered “no”; 31% answered only “yes” but did not explain; 9% answer with “yes” and write measures that are, however, incorrect; 8.6 answer with “yes” but record only some and do not distinguish between the two types of measures; 2.5% write that the measures are useless, and 9.9% do not answer the question.
The conclusion from the answers to this open-ended question is that none of the respondents is sufficiently aware of what response would be most adequate when hearing signal sirens with a message of radiation danger. I will consider in detail the issue of radiation protection measures and actions related to preparation and response to an incident (or attack) with increased radioactivity in the second part of the article. There we will also dwell on specific answers of the respondents received in the survey. We will note here in general that these measures and actions are very rarely communicated, are difficult to find online and offline, are unclear, contain contradictions and cause many questions. However, there are clearly distinguishable measures and actions that citizens should take on their own, as well as those that they should only take when instructed by state institutions through the media. For example, among the first type of measures are maintaining a package for emergency situations in homes, insulating doors and windows, among the second – taking potassium iodide tablets and evacuation.
To the next question about the response efficacy: “In your opinion, are the protection measures recommended by the institutions safe and effective in the event of a major accident at the nuclear power plant?”, only 4% noted the answer “completely certain”, 18% noted “more almost certain”, 34% answered with “I can’t judge”, 16% with “rather uncertain”, 9% indicated “completely uncertain”, 19% noted the answer “I don’t know the measures”. This second question of reaction efficiency both complements the first and serves as a check on it. Those who marked the first two answers “completely certain” and “rather certain” are a total of 22%. However, taking into account all the answers to the first question, it is clear that these respondents have the delusion that they know the measures, but in reality this is not the case. The total of 78% of all other responses indicates a clear preponderance of low perceived. This multiple expresses firm uncertainty about the response efficacy.
The third question about the response efficacy is “Do you trust the government institutions to do everything necessary for your safety and that of your family in the event of an incident with increased radioactivity?”. Here, only 8.9% answered with “I trust them completely”, 29.2% with “I trust them, but I have doubts”, 19% with “I can’t answer”, 24.7% with “I don’t trust them” and 18.2% with “I don’t trust them at all”. Subject to this response efficacy question are the entities with (in theory) the most resources and capacity to act to protect society in a crisis event of this magnitude. If here too there is no feeling of stability and security among the respondents, then, together with the data from the answers to the other two questions, we come to the conclusion that the perceptions of the response efficiency are extremely low. Indeed, such a feeling is hardly present: it is present in only 8.9% against uncertainty and mistrust in the majority of 91.1%.
Fourth is the question of personal efficacy: “Do you have the necessary skills and resources to take the individual and general measures recommended by the institutions, in the event of a major NPP accident with high-radioactivity near where you live?”. Only 5.8% answered with “yes”, 17% with “rather yes”, 32.7% with “rather no”, 19.5 with “no” and 25% with “I don’t know what the necessary skills and resources are”.
It is unacceptable, under the standards set by the IAEA[1], which are mandatory for all countries with nuclear power plants, that in the 30-kilometer emergency planning zone, a quarter of the 171 citizens asked to answer that they did not know what skills and resources they need to protect themselves in case of a high-radioactivity crisis and half of them to indicate that they do not have or rather do not have any. Moreover, we speak about respondents working in institutions that should lead the response actions in such a crisis and radiation protection – schools, hospital, municipal administration.
With the data from the responses to the personal efficacy question added to that from the responses to the three response efficacy questions, we conclude that there is very low perceived efficacy in the event of a high-radioactivity crisis event. This is how we arrive at the answer to the equation according to the Extended parallel process model:
high perceived threat + low perceived efficacy = fear control
Additional questions on perceived threat and efficacy
We use several additional questions with the following tasks:
1) to obtain more detailed information about the current factual situation with the provision of information and training to local communities;
2) to check the propensity of citizens to search and remember information related to current risks on the subject in the context of the war in Ukraine;
3) to explore their willingness to seek a higher level of protection in the event of a high-radioactivity crisis in the new situation of close war;
4) to specify the conclusions we reach from the data from the answers to the previous eight questions, according to the of the Extended parallel process model used in the study.
The first three questions of the survey compile data on perceived threat in today’s current situation of nuclear power plants seized by military force and threats of nuclear attack. In accordance with the current information about the new risks in the context of the war, we ask in an open question: “Do you know which nuclear power plants in Ukraine were captured by the Russian army?”. Only 7% of respondents gave the correct answer “Zaporozhie NPP” and Chernobyl NPP”, 18% indicated Zaporozhye NPP, 20.5% – Chernobyl NPP, 45.7% answered “no”, 2, 3% indicate the non-existent “Mariupol NPP”, 6.5% didn’t answer.
To the next additional question about the perceived threat: “Can Bulgaria protect its nuclear power plant in the event of a military attack?”, 32.7% answered “yes”, 51.6% “no”, 9.3% noted ” I don’t know” and 6.4% do not give an answer.
To the third additional question about the perceived threat: “Should the European Union build a common system to protect the nuclear power plants of the member countries that operate them?”, 87.7% noted the answer “yes”, only 5.8% answered with ” no”, 6.5% didn’t answer.
Data from the respondents’ responses indicate that the level of concern at the possibility of vulnerability in the new context of close warfare is high. Half of the respondents remembered information related to the capture of the Ukrainian nuclear power plants by the Russian army, although both nuclear power plants were captured five and six weeks before the date of filling out the survey. The overwhelming responses to the other two additional questions on perceived threat show that respondents do not believe in the power of the state to protect our nuclear power plant and wish to take action to protect it at European level. The data from all three additional questions reinforce those from the main four questions about a highly perceived threat of a possible crisis with hazardous radioactivity in the new reality of a hot positional war close to Bulgaria.
Answers to the additional two questions on perceived efficacy also strongly indicate its particularly low, even tending to zero, level, confirming the result of the main four efficacy questions. Here, the clearest absence of a strategy and systematic communication (informational and educational) approach in radiation protection, preparedness and response to an emergency situation with increased radioactivity is found.
To one of the two additional questions related to perceived efficiency: “How often do you receive reminder information from the institutions regarding the necessary response and measures in the event of a major accident at the Kozloduy NPP with high radioactivity in the environment?”, as many as 63% of respondents answered with “I don’t remember receiving such information”. Another 7% answered “more than 5 years ago”, 2.3% highlighted “5 years ago”, and another 2.3% marked “3 years ago”, 1.6% answered “once every two years”, 12.3% – “once a year” and 8% – “twice a year”.
The other additional question about the perceived effectiveness is open: “Has a response exercise in case of a major accident at the Kozloduy NPP ever been organized in your locality? (If the answer is yes, please write when it was and what you remember from the teaching.)”. 59.4% answered “no”, 14% wrote that they did not remember participating in such an exercise, 12.4% did not answer, 5.3% answered “yes” but did not explain, 6% answered ” yes”, writing only the date and only 2.9% answered with “yes” and indicated a specific date and memory.
Conclusions of the study
Given the results of the answers to the last two additional questions, which are directly related to response efficacy and personal efficacy, it is very important to note again that almost all of the 171 citizens of various age groups who participated in the survey in the 30 km emergency planning zone around the Kozloduy NPP, reside mostly in institutions that should have leading roles in the public response to a crisis with high radioactivity – six municipalities, three schools, one hospital, as well as two hotels in the city of Kozloduy. In this situation, there is no reason to assume that the preparation for radiation civil protection in other cities and regions of Bulgaria outside this 30-kilometer zone would be at a better and adequate level. In this regard, we must bear in mind that, in addition to our nuclear power plant, the now captured Ukrainian NPP “Zaporozhie”, only 65 km from Silistra, the Romanian NPP “Black Water” is operating. We must not forget the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s intention to build a nuclear power plant next to Ineada, just 10 km from Rezovo.
As leading conclusions in the research based on the Extended parallel process model, on the one hand, we see the trend of:
- Clearly expressed perception of the threat in the risks of an event with increased radioactivity, with sufficiently high attention of the respondents to the two parallel factors of the threat – the vulnerability and the severity of such an event.
- On the other hand, the response data for the other main parallel process – perceived efficacy (with its two parallel factors – reaction efficacy and personal efficacy) – show very low, in some places almost zero values, expressed by ambiguity, confusion, ignorance and uncertainty in the answers of the surveyed citizens regarding the principles of radiation protection and the response to a crisis with dangerously high radioactivity in the environment. Thus, the analysis of the data reaches the most significant conclusion for the study, that if an emergency situation occurs with dangerously high radioactivity in the environment:
- Bulgarian society will mainly realize the second psychological reaction from Witt’s model – fear control. Namely, when the subject perceives a high threat but does not perceive a feasible option to limit it, he/she tries to control his/her fear instead of the actual danger.
Fear control has several variants of crisis-inappropriate behavior. When it comes to a message that warns people about a crisis that is expected to occur soon, fear control is expressed in maladaptive changes such as defensive avoidance (e.g., ignoring the information), denial (e.g., refusing to believe that the risk is real) or resistance (eg rejecting the message as manipulative). However, when it comes directly to a crisis alert message (in this case, human-damaging radioactive substances released into the environment in an accident or intentionally through a military attack), citizens will react according to what they know and what they don’t know at the time of receiving the alert message. Then, the fear control will transform into uncontrolled fear, from which panic actions will follow, that in turn will lead to an exponential increase in the negative consequences of the crisis. Therefore, I add to Witt’s model the state of panic as a possible maladaptive change in behavior when a crisis has suddenly occurred.
Figure 2: EPPM High Threat Low Efficacy example – Fear Control
Awareness of protection measures is very low even in the populated areas in the 30-kilometer zone around the Kozloduy NPP. One of the rare materials on the subject, for example, is a leaflet uploaded to the page of the Main Directorate “Fire Safety and Protection of the Population” on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, produced by the Kozloduy NPP, which contains some inaccuracies, ambiguities and raises questions that are not answered answered. There is an urgent need to update and refine information on preparedness and response to a high-radioactivity crisis by adequate specialists, as well as a program for its wide and periodic dissemination.
In the second part of the study, we will examine the factual situation with information about radiation protection in Bulgaria and the countries of the European Union. We will give specific guidelines for the necessary changes so that Bulgaria can build adequate planning for preparation and response to crises with the release of dangerously high radioactivity into the environment, as well as a communication strategy for informing and educating about the risks of such crises.
- Coombs, W. T. Choosing the right words: The development of guidelines for the selection of the “appropriate” crisis response strategies. – Management Communication Quarterly, pp. 474 –475, 1995.
- Heath, R., O’Hair, D. The Significance of Risk and Crisis Communication. In R.L Heath & H.D. O’Hair (Eds.). Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication (pp. 5–29). – New York, NY: Routledge, 2009.
- IAEA. Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency: IAEA Safety Standards for Protecting People and the Environment Series, No. GSR Part 7, 2015.
- Witte, K. Putting the fear back into fear appeals: The extended parallel process model. Communication Monographs, 59, 329–349. 1992.
- Roberto, A., Goodall, C., Witte, K. Raising the Alarm and Calming Fears: Perceived Threat and Efficacy During Risk and Crisis. In R.L Heath & H.D. O’Hair (Eds.). Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication (pp. 285 – 291). – New York, NY: Routledge, 2009.
[1] Preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency section on the IAEA website here:
Open letter from NTW & EEB calling for reviewed stress tests after the attacks on Ukrainian NPP
20220519 Letter post-Ukraine nuclear stress tests NTW EEB
Last Month, the 19th May 2022, Nuclear Transparency Watch jointly with the European Environnemental Bureau wrote an open letter (here attached) to the European Commission and to ENSREG to point out the need for a stress test on safety related issues during nuclear security events, including acts of war.
As the ENSREG conference is taking place today, 20th June 2022, NTW wants to underline again the importance of this issue while some diversion could very well make it forget while last week again the news showed how crucial it was.
Rolling Stewardship webinar #2
On 05 May 2022 Nuclear Transparency Watch hold a webinar on Rolling Stewardship with the following speakers and program:
Being engaged in the field of Radioactive Waste Management with a particular focus regarding transparency on nuclear safety and radiation protection, Nuclear Transparency Watch took part as Civil Society participant in the EC EURAD Research Programme in
June 2019. This participation, understood in the perspective of the Aarhus Convention, implied some involvement in several research projects that are, for two of them, designed on a strategical perspective opening to a more comprehensive understanding of socio-technical aspects of Radioactive Waste Management. In this context, it was felt that NTW would take advantage to develop its own thinking on Rolling Stewardship while liaising with interested partners of EURAD. A specific cooperation with the SITEX network (gathering Technical Support Organizations of Regulators of RWM and Civil Society Experts in the field) is also considered.
First speaker: Robert del Tredici
Robert del Tredici has a master’s degree in Comparative Literature at the University of California, and he has been a teacher for much of his life, giving courses in Photography, Drawing, Mythology, and History of Animated Film at the University of Calgary in Alberta and at Vanier College and Concordia University in Montreal. He is and has been a prolific graphic artist and documentary photographer: The People of Three Mile Island (1980), At Work in the Fields of the Bomb (1987), Closing the Circle on the Splitting off the Atom (1993); Linking Legacies (1995); From Cleanup to Stewardship (1997).
- “Darkness, Visibility, and Transparency in the Age of Rolling Stewardship”
Second speaker: Marcos Buser
Geologist with a degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Marcos Buser is a consultant and expert who has been active for more than four decades in the management of industrial and radioactive waste projects, and a former member of several scientific commissions for the Swiss government, including the Swiss Federal Commission for Nuclear Safety. He was a member of the Stocamine steering committee.
- “A look back at the disposal projects to date and a forward look at the need for
NTW “Open Radiation” project in Cumbria (UK)
NTW introduced its first Open Radiation project started in Cumbria thanks to its member Colin Wales from Cumbria Trust for the Open Radiation Community on Friday 8th April 2022 at IRSN in France.
The presentation is available here after:
Aarhus Convention on Nuclear roundtable – January 2022 “cross-border EP&R”
The sessions recording of the ACN roundtable on cross-border EP&R – January 2022 – is now available on NTW’s YouTube channel:
The presentations given at the ACN roundtable are available at this link:
Here after, the detailed agenda of the 3 sessions (the recording of this event is in progress):
First Session (January 12th 2022, morning session) –
current progress of the implementation EU EP&R provisions together with a regional perspective
9:00 Introductory session
● Nadja Zeleznik, chair of Nuclear Transparency Watch
● Michael Huebel, DG ENER
9:15 Current arrangements at national and EU levels, transboundary aspects Chair: Representative of DG ENER
● Review of the Implementation of the Basic Safety Standards Directive in EU: results of recent studies launched by DG ENER on the effective implementation of EP&R requirements in the EU Member States and the neighbouring countries
o Yvan Pouleur, DGENER
● Outcomes of the IAEA/EC workshop(2018) on Emergency Preparedness and Response: Requirements and practical implementation
o Bharat Patel, DGENER
● Presentation of the ANCCLI WHITE BOOK on Emergency and Post emergency Management elaborated by ANCCLI, including specific aspects associated with transboundary EP&R
o Anne Laure Maclot CLI of Cattenom and Yves Lheureux, ANCCLI
● Modeling a major nuclear accident in a hypothetical EPR and understanding the dependence of the magnitude of transboundary radioactive pollution on meteorological situations
o Frank Paul Piguet, project director of Institut Biosphère 10:15 Plenary Discussion
11:00 Break
11:15 Regional Roundtables with national stakeholders
Effective involvement of the CS in the EP&R system will be discussed through regional roundtables. A focus will be made on complexity of transboundary aspects based on factual experience feedback, in two different EU regional contexts.
11:15 First regional Roundtable (France, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg) on non-radiological challenges in EP&R
Chair: Yves Lheureux, ANCCLI
● Economical and industrial issues, Aurélie Fournier, CLI of Gravelines, France
● Tourism issues and negative impact on the territory image, Bram Degrieck, Mayor of the City of La Panne, Belgium
● Worker flow and impact on health structures, Roger Spautz, Greenpeace Luxembourg
● Agricultural issues, German Representative, Germany
12:15 Second Regional Roundtable (Bulgaria, Greece, Ukraine, Romania) on identification of cross-border resources in nuclear accidental and post-accidental context
Chair: Nadja Zeleznik, NTW
● Natalia Bizhko, Deputy head of division on Emergency Preparedness and Radiation protection, SNRIU, Ukraine
● Christos Housiadas, Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE), Greece
● Albena Simeonova, Foundation for Environment and Agriculture (FEA), Bulgaria
● Adi-Maria Simoiu, University of Craiova, Romania
13:15 End of First half day
Second Session (January 19th 2022, morning session)-
Post-accident governance Challenges
Chair: IRSN and NTW
Post-accident management and post-accident recovery remains an important and complex challenge involving a plurality of actors as well as competing priorities such as health protection, social activities, continuity of economic life, restart of business and trade, priorities regarding waste management, thus integrating radiological protection standards with other priorities (well illustrated by the current COVID situation).
The trend of centralisation that characterizes emergency management is not adapted anymore to the post- accident context where various components of society have to enter the decision-making. The session is intended to provide the participants with a better view of the challenges at stake.
● Topic 1 – Safety conditions at work in contaminated areas, equity and consistency of protection standards between workers and population (in cross-border context)
● Topic 2 – Management of the production and marketing of goods produced in a contaminated area (in cross-border context)
Facilitating the session will be done with the support of IRSN through a specific method based on a serious Game that have been developed in the EU R&D project TERRITORIES. The objective is to identify remaining challenges attached to Post-accident Governance notably in regard to Transparency and in the perspective of improving preparatory provisions and also for the framing of future R&D in the field of post-accident governance.
Third Session (January 26th 2022, morning session) –
Lessons from the COVID regarding nuclear post-accident challenges
Chair: Representative of DG ENER
9:00 Cross analysis nuclear post-accident/ COVID
● Local feedback from COVID
o David Reinberger, City of Vienna
● Meaningful lessons from the COVID experiences in the perspective of nuclear post-accident challenges
o Gilles Heriard-Dubreuil, Mutadis
9:45 Plenary Discussion
10:30 Break
10:45 Final Roundtable- Drawing from the lessons learned from COVID the emerging challenges for EP&R
Chair: Gilles Heriard-Dubreuil, NTW
What is different from past experience ? A new understanding of risks ? To what exchange does it change the vision for EP&R ?
● Representative from EC DG (ECHO)
● Jan Haverkamp, NTW
● Jerome Guillevic, IRSN
● Robin Gosnard, transboundary group of ANCCLI
● Representative from EC DG (EAC)
● David Reinberger, City of Vienna
11:45 Plenary Discussion – What are the next steps regarding EP&R for attending stakeholders based on the results of the discussions during these three roundtable sessions?
12:30 Conclusions
● Nadja Zeleznik, chair of Nuclear Transparency Watch
● Representative of DG ENER
12:45 End of the Roundtable
Leaked delegated regulation of the European Union on the ‘Taxonomy’ related to nuclear & gas
A delegated regulation from the European Union on the ‘Taxonomy’ related to nuclear & gas leaked very recently
(cf. Germany hits out at Brussels plan to label nuclear and gas ‘green’ – POLITICO & LEAK: EU drafts plan to label gas and nuclear investments as green –
Nuclear Transparency Watch has decided to publish it as well in the name of Transparency:
“Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe – Ten Years Later” – Online Event on March 12, 2021
Event organised by Gabriele Mraz, member of NTW, and Patricia Lorenz on behalf of the CNFE.
The Cities for a Nuclear Free Europe (CNFE) held an online event on March 12th on the situation in Fukushima 10 years after the nuclear catastrophe and the impact of the accident on the city and on the region.
The agenda, the presentations and a report can be downloaded here.
A video will follow later in April.
ACN Round Table on RWM 2021
13-15 January 2021
The European Commission (DG ENER) and Nuclear Transparency Watch (NTW) organized an “Aarhus Convention and Nuclear” Roundtable that was held from January 13th to January 15th 2021. The objective was to gather concerned stakeholders by Radioactive Waste Management (operators, regulators and institutional representatives, experts and researchers, NGOs, civil society representatives) in order to discuss concrete implementation of the Aarhus Convention principles (public information and participation). More than 170 persons registered, from 24 countries and with very various backgrounds.
>> See the videos here <<
- Ms Nadja Zeleznik, chair of Nuclear Transparency Watch
- Mr Massimo Garribba, Deputy Director General, DG ENER
Session 1 – Implementation of the information and public participation provisions of the Radioactive Waste Directive (2011/70/Euratom)
- Implementation of the Radioactive Waste Directive in the EU: findings and recommendations of the second EC report to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, Mr Gianfranco Brunetti, Deputy Head of Unit DG ENER D.2
- Civil Society Joint Project: report on the implementation of the Waste Directive (as a third-party review), updated on the basis of the outcomes of the 2nd report of the Commission adopted on December 17th, 2019, Ms Gabriele Mraz, NTW and Ms Patricia Lorenz, Friends of the Earth
- View of a representative of the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Mr Robert Harbers
- View of a representative of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, Mr Kristoffer Brix Bertelsen
- The BEPPER Report on Transparency in Radioactive Waste Management: Improving national RWM transparency in the EU by effective implementation of the Aarhus Convention in the context of Article 10 on Transparency in the Nuclear Waste Directive, Mr Johan Swahn, NTW/MKG
Session 2 – National feedbacks on recent public engagement processes along RWM
Germany Roundtable – update on RWM public engagement in Germany
- Mr Jochen Ahlswede, BASE
- Ms Astrid Goebel and Ms Dagmar Dehmer, BGE
- Mr Jo Leinen, Nationales Begleitgremium (NBG)
United Kingdom Roundtable – overview of recent developments on RWM siting procedures
- Mr Mike Brophy, Head of Stakeholder Engagement in siting team of RWM and representative of NDA
- Mr Colin Wales, Cumbria Trust
France Roundtable – 2019 public debate on the RWM national plan
- Mr Aurélien Louis, French Ministry of Sustainable Development
- Ms Delphine Pellegrini, IRSN
- Mr Jean-Claude Delalonde, ANCCLI
Czech Roundtable
Sweden Roundtable
- Mr Ingvar Persson, legal expert for the Swedish Council for Nuclear Waste
- Mr Bengt Hedberg, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)
- Mr Johan Swahn, MKG
Session 3 – Recent developments in civil society access to expertise and research
- EC vision on the question of transparency in the field of research, Mr Roberto Passalacqua, DG RTD D.4 “This communication has not been endorsed by the European Commission DG RTD. However the summary of the slides is made available here.”
- Feedback from innovative processes in interaction with Civil Society in MODERN 2020, Ms Anne Bergmans, University of Antwerp
- The SITEX European network of experts on RWM (involving TSOs, Regulators and Civil Society Experts), Mr Valéry Detilleux, Bel V
- Feedback from innovative processes in interaction with Civil Society in SITEX-II and JOPRAD, Mr Gilles Heriard-Dubreuil, Mutadis
- The EURAD platform and corresponding processes of Interaction with Civil Society, Ms Louise Théodon, ANDRA, EURAD coordinator
- The ENTRIA Research project in Germany combining technical and social aspects of Radioactive Waste Management, Mr Klaus-Jurgen Röhlig, TU Clausthal
>> see the summary of discussion for Session 3 <<
Final Round Table – Improving existing arrangements on information and public participation in the field of RWM in Europe: the way forward
- Mr Jan Haverkamp, NTW
- Mr Jonas Ebbesson, Chair of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee (ACCC)
- Ms Zuzana Petrovičová, Head of Unit DG ENER D.2 “Nuclear energy, nuclear waste and decommissioning”
- Ms Nina Cromnier, Head of the Swedish Regulatory Authority and ENSREG member
- Mr Jakop Dalunde, MEP (Greens)
- Mr Valéry Detilleux, SITEX network
- Ms Astrid Goebel, IGD-TP
>> see the summary of discussion for the Final Round Table <<
- Ms Zuzana Petrovičová, Head of Unit DG ENER.D.2 “Nuclear energy, nuclear waste and decommissioning”
- Ms Nadja Zeleznik, chair of Nuclear Transparency Watch
13th ENEF 04-05/06/18 Bratislava
The 13th European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF) organised by the European Commission with two hosting countries (Slovakia and Czech Republic) took place in Bratislava on 04-05/06.
This event, which received the mandate from the European Council to be to be a “platform for broad discussion of the opportunities and risks of nuclear energy”, focused this year on the topics ‘Maintaining a critical level of nuclear safety expertise in Europe’ and ‘Small Modular Reactors’.
Members from Nuclear Transparency Watch evaluated this year’s ENEF critically. We will keep you informed about our evaluation of the event, but would like to give already access to the presentations from civil society representatives.
Rebecca Harms, MEP Greens/EFA and Vice-Chair of NTW made an opening speech on the first panel where she emphasised the importance to focus on radioactive waste and decommissionning rather than new build.
To watch her full presentation, see the Webstream of Day 2. (min 13’34”).
Dr David Lowry, independant researcher at Nuclear Waste Advisory Associates and member of NTW made a presentation on the second panel regarding the “Inconvenient Truths of Small Modular Reactors.” Download here his full paper.
Download the full ENEF2018 programme.
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