On April, 23rd 2020, The ACRO (the French “Association pour le Contrôle de la Radioactivité dans l’Ouest”) posted an article untitled “Chernobyl heritage and the E40 trans-Europe waterway”.
The introduction was the following:
“The E40 international waterway project aims to link the Baltic and Black Seas, from Gdansk to Kherson, via Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. In particular, it should cross the Polesia, the largest wilderness area in Europe, where it is likely to pose a high risk of degradation of natural areas in the Pripiatsky National Park (Прыпяцкі нацыянальны парк). In addition, part of the project includes the development of the Pripiat River, which flows at the foot of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and crosses the Polesie State Radio-Ecological Reserve (Палескі дзяржаўны дзяржаўны радыяцыйна-экалагічны запаведнік) in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, which is heavily contaminated by various radioelements.
It is in this context that ACRO carried out a first radio-ecological assessment of the project on commission of the Frankfurt Zoological Society and the “Save Polesia” partnership.”
Two documents were enclosed: