In 2023, a new process of dialogue has started with the goal to experiment a joint work between civil society and IRSN on the basis of a co-constructed scenario (accident scenario in the operational phase of the repository or scenario of changes in the post-closure phase of the repository) with a view to a shared assessment of the associated safety issues.
Different types of participation were foreseen for the civil society from a general and continuous participation to a punctual and specific participation. In fact, three groups were established to consider three different themes during three different period:
- Basic data retained for the Cigéo safety assessment: site, inventories of radioactive waste intended for disposal, disposal components, etc. (April 2024).
- Evaluation safety in the operating phase (autumn 2024).
- Evaluation safety in the post-closure phase (mid-2025).
Find out more about it there in French: DT-DAC-Cigeo_Bilan-perspectives_12_07_23