On 23 March 2022 Nuclear Transparency Watch hold a webinar on Rolling Stewardship with the following speakers and program:
Being engaged in the field of Radioactive Waste Management with a particular focus regarding transparency on nuclear safety and radiation protection, Nuclear Transparency Watch took part as Civil Society participant in the EC EURAD Research Programme in
June 2019. This participation, understood in the perspective of the Aarhus Convention, implied some involvement in several research projects that are, for two of them, designed on a strategical perspective opening to a more comprehensive understanding of socio-technical aspects of Radioactive Waste Management. In this context, it was felt that NTW would take advantage to develop its own thinking on Rolling Stewardship while liaising with interested partners of EURAD. A specific cooperation with the SITEX network (gathering Technical Support Organizations of Regulators of RWM and Civil Society Experts in the field) is also considered.
First speaker: Niels Henrik Hooge
Master of Laws and Master of Arts in Philosophy. Interested in environmental and sustainability for a long time he has manifested itself in activism, cooperation with green NGOs in Denmark and abroad, as well as in many types of writing. In addition to editorial staff work in Danish environmental magazines, he has published several books, including most recently the novel “Kosova” (2016) and the poetry collections “Grøn nation” (Green Nation, 2015), “Miljødigte” (Environmental Poems, 2018) and “Miljødigte 2” (Environmental Poems 2, 2019).
- “Human uncertainties relevant to the safety associated with radioactive waste management and Rolling Stewardship”
Second speaker: Gordon Edwards
Ph.D. in Mathematics and Master of Arts in English Literature. Gordon Edwards has been a Professor of Mathematics and Science during all his career during which he did many publications in that field but not only. From 1970 to 1974, he was the editor of Survival magazine. In 1975 he co-founded the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility and has been its president since 1978. Edwards has worked widely as a consultant on nuclear issues and has been qualified as a nuclear expert by courts in Canada and elsewhere.
- “The origin and evolution of the concept of Rolling Stewardship”
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