Nuclear Transparency Watch is a European network that promotes a citizen watch on nuclear safety and transparency. The network was launched in 2013 after a call of Members of the European Parliament from different political origins. Nuclear Transparency Watch looks at all activities of the nuclear cycle: outsourcing, policies for plant life-time extension, emergency preparedness and liability issues, costs of nuclear safety, radioactive waste management…
The European network Nuclear Transparency Watch has been created in order to:
- Promote transparency in nuclear issues and increase the contribution of civil society in the governance of nuclear activities;
- Raise awareness among policy makers and European society about transparency in nuclear issues;
- Develop a counter-expertise on nuclear safety at the local, national and European level.
These objectives will be reached by:
- Representing NTW’s members in European nuclear policy-making processes;
- Calling out European institutions and Members of the European Parliament;
- Supporting local and national initiatives that aim to improve transparency of nuclear activities, in each European country;
- Fostering information of NTW’s members and European citizens;
- Building partnerships with independent and public expert institutes, which could support technically the follow-up of nuclear activities:
- Benchmarking the level of transparency of nuclear activities in different European countries.
The association is fully independent and has received the financial support from the “Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind” (FPH). The Fondation Charles Leopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme is a private Swiss grant-making foundation that supports activities which contribute to human progress through science and social development.
In our daily work, we engage with officials and politicians from European Union institutions and a range of other stakeholders in Brussels, sharing our vision and trying to influence decisions made at EU level. We are therefore registered in the EU Transparency Register (N° 662425018879-32), the register of interest groups and lobbying organisations for the EU Parliament and the EU Commission.
We target:
- Policymakers (politicians, civil servants and supervisors) with meetings, events, position papers, consultation responses, hearings and written evidence, speeches, articles, letters;
- The general public with newsletters, social media and our website;
- Other civil society organization with publications and expertise.
Download the NTW statutes.
Download the Commitment Charter signed by every member of NTW.